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Tax relief

I am pleased to report that hard-working folks in the towns of Senate District 11 will be getting even more help this year because of decisions we made in Concord in the 2022 legislative session. This year’s tax relief adds to the significant savings we provided taxpayers last year. In fact, ...

Your vote can help

This is an open letter to the Nashua area Legislators asking for your help. I know that Primary Day (Sept. 13) is obviously an important day for you, but please do not forget another important day: Sept. 15 is Veto Override Day, starting at 1 p.m. in the State Capitol. Gov. Chris Sununu ...

Levesque vs. Avard

School has started. We’re again enjoying energetic noises floating from Nashua South to our house just a few of blocks away. We haven’t enjoyed what District 12’s Senator has been doing to public schools, though. The Liberty Alliance, which funds the Free State Project, puts Sen. ...

Being a good steward

As your State Senator, providing relief for all property taxpayers has been my top priority. The job is not done, but over the past two years, we have made great progress. Guided by responsible budgeting and sound fiscal management, our actions delivered more than $500 million in property tax ...

Reject extreme Republicanism

Soon voters in New Hampshire will be asked to decide on candidates in primaries and in the November general election. Since the Republican Party has now embraced the extremism of the Free State wing of their party, they actually no longer have a real party platform. It is time for voters to be ...