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Why should you care?

By Claudia Damon - Concord | Sep 10, 2022

Many people don’t vote for Executive Council because they don’t know what it is or what it does. Our state Constitution created the important Executive Council of five elected members to check the governor’s power. Its job is to approve or not approve: nominees to state courts, appointments to state agencies, and state contracts over $10,000. The Council also leads development of NH’s 10-year transportation plan. It meets twice monthly.

Currently, Cinde Warmington is the only reasonable voice on the Executive Council. The four GOP Councilors are extremists. Please look down your ballot in November and vote Democrat.

Here are what I think are the 11 worst things the Republican-controlled Executive Council has done in the past two years. These are not in Granite Staters’ interests: Rejected $27Million in federal funds for COVID-19 vaccines; three months later rejected $7.2Million more in federal funds for COVID-19 vaccines; approved $844,000 to use COVID-19 funds for public advertisements benefiting the Governor; four times voted to defund family planning providers, depriving women of cancer treatments and healthcare; re-Confirmed Frank Edelblut to serve as Education Department Commissioner; confirmed Drew Cline to serve as Chair, State Board of Education; confirmed McKenzie Snow to serve as Director of Learner Support in the Department of Education; approved the funds for the voucher “Education Freedom Accounts” and subsequent millions of dollars in excess spending; approved contract with Prenda, Inc. for “Learning Pods,” siphoning millions of dollars from public schools to private & religious schools.

Let’s fix this. Vote Democrat.


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