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Here’s your guide to what should be a magnificent May

Wow. May is almost a week done already. We always say that on Presidents Day in mid-to-late February, you blink and Memorial Day is here. Well, in three weeks that will be the case. Incredible, which means we're spring sports home stretch and getting closer and closer to tourney time once ...

It was Christmas in April for Zelanes, soccer fans of Revs II

Jeremy Zelanes heard the noise Sunday morning and looked outside and his heart sank. A loud, heavy downpour had just begun. “I was a little bit nervous,” he said. But, it was just a fast storm, as skies cleared and the day for the most part was bright, sunny, and warm, in the low 70s. As ...

A Wolf in sheep’s clothing was following the script all along

Ahhh, that sly Eliot Wolf. You had to think his “We're open for business” line last week was typical GM speak, but ohhhh did it cause a stir prior to Thursday night's round one of the NFL Draft. There will be reports this team offered that, that team offered this, etc. etc. The buzz was ...

Draft Week has finally arrived; hopefully truth will, too

It has finally arrived, Draft Week. That means Lying Season is just about over. You know, how NFL general managers, coaches, owners, etc. start to leak out fake information to select media members, trying to throw off the scent. The way we hope the New England Patriots are doing with some of ...

Lucchino’s influence went far and wide, even reaching here

Here's a few tids and bits while we endure yet another lousy weather day (whatever happened to sunny and 60?) First, we'll go ahead and say this: If there were no Larry Lucchino, there likely would have been no change in the Red Sox fortunes for a while in the 2000s, although given today's ...

If you can’t catch Sox fever, at least catch baseball fever

Can you feel it in the air? Between the icy wind, the snow, the chill? Baseball fever. We're supposed to be catching it. OK, we got a little warmer this weekend, but it's still March but from now on there is baseball non-stop until very early November. But don't worry, your Boston Red Sox ...