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Credit card intervention is not about competition

Competition is integral to the functioning of a prosperous market economy. It drives innovation, efficiency and responsiveness to consumer needs. Unfortunately, politicians often mistake their role in the process. Too often, they attempt to dictate the terms of competition from on high rather ...

A warped approach to competition in the alcohol industry

Since President Biden issued an “Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy” two years ago, his administration has aggressively sought to combat what it sees as excessive market concentration in the U.S. economy. There is no denying that a robust competitive ...

Guilty verdicts will not alter the views of extreme trumpers

There are 28 million smokers in the United States. This, despite at least six decades of medical evidence supporting the ghastly damage from this habit. About 15 percent of Americans failed to receive any COVID vaccinations, while more than 1 million died during our recent pandemic. The ...

When Nikki roared

I’m not the kind of person who cottons to the idea of “girl power.” I am woman, you will not hear me roar. I will not be seeing the “Barbie” movie. I do not believe all women. MeToo is not only a lie, it’s bad grammar. And the worst “F” word for me is Feminist. Just to get ...