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Health, Lifestyles & History

Mismatched marriage mindsets

Dear Annie: I'm having an issue with my partner of six years, "Alex." I love him deeply, and he's a truly amazing guy. But we have different views on marriage. I've always dreamed of having a traditional wedding and starting a family. I think weddings are a beautiful way to show your ...

Clashing values with my in-laws

Dear Annie: My daughter is the only grandchild, and my mother gives her a gift every time we see her. I've told her several times that we don't want to overwhelm our child (3 years old) with material things, that she has too many toys she doesn't play with. It's very important to my husband and ...

Pain after a total knee replacement might be due to the hip

DEAR DR. ROACH: I read your recent column about a person who had knee pain after a knee replacement. I am a retired orthopedic surgeon who performed on over 10,000 total joints of the hip, knee and shoulder in my 47 years of active surgical practice. A well-done total knee replacement does not ...

Antihistamines are still worth trying for interstitial cystitis

DEAR DR. ROACH: You recently wrote that the antihistamine Zyrtec might be helpful for interstitial cystitis (IC). A recently published review found no benefit. Would you readdress your opinion? -- D.M. ANSWER: The review that you sent looked at the same studies I did to make its ...

Water makes objects easier to move

Dear Heloise: I read your column in the Daily Breeze in Southern California and never miss an issue. Thanks for all your tips over the years! I recently learned something from my appliance repairman. When moving the washing machine, he squirted some water under the machine and was able to move ...