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Sunday Magazine

Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter begins outdoor gardening

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul”– Alfred Austin, British author and poet, 1835-1913. Spring is a season of promise, anticipation of sunny days and brighter futures, new ...

Helping Hands

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please review your nonprofit’s listing, and refresh it as needed. What are your current needs? Contact person? Hours? Send changes to neighbors@ nashuatelegraph.com. Thank you! Helping Hands is a weekly feature that provides information about the needs of local nonprofit ...

Culinary delight: Nashua Country Club chef receives top honors

Mortals daring to thicken their soup by heating a combo of flour and butter and then pouring the gloop into a boiling cauldron of broth wonder why their culinary creation is comprised of chunks of chicken, vegetables and glue. Glue is the result of such folly, when the roux – pronounced roo ...

Musical instruments will help students to ‘strike up the band’

‘Got a saxophone, French horn, or clarinet? How about a trombone, flute, or cornet? Perhaps a piccolo, for that high-pitched sound, or a deep-toned tuba stashed somewhere around? Bands are said to have originated in Germany around the 15th century, mainly with bassoon and oboe, drums for the ...

Helping Hands

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please review your nonprofit’s listing, and refresh it as needed. What are your current needs? Contact person? Hours? Send changes to neighbors@ nashuatelegraph.com. Thank you! Helping Hands is a weekly feature that provides information about the needs of local nonprofit ...

Pollen Nation: Beekeeper uses honey for health

Eyes watery with allergies due to high pollen counts may further blur the television newscasts that tout the day’s pollen count ahead of last night’s sports scores. The count – a measure of the pollen grains in a cubic meter of air – is always bad news to sufferers of “Seasonal ...