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How much are Nashuans willing to pay for secrecy?

Citizen’s participation in their local government depends on the good will of those serving. Laws exist that permit citizen access to meetings and records but without the good will of those serving to provide access and records, it all falls apart. Nashua’s officials lack the good will ...

Assess the facts

Ms. Di Lothrop is at it again (Sunday, July 24). Her guest column headline states: “Hutchinson Recollections and Accusations Were Solely Based on Office Gossip and Hearsay.” In this guest column, Ms. Lothrop slams a previous article (Paul Collins’ July 10 column): “Cassie ...


In her recent guest column, Di Lothrop claims that Cassidy Hutchinson’s congressional testimony was based on office gossip and hearsay. What makes Ms. Lothrop an expert on what was going on inside Trump’s White House is a mystery especially considering that Ms. Hutchinson actually worked ...

Age, presidential candidates and Victoria Woodhull

There’s been much discussion about whether a candidate can be too old to run for president. It’s not surprising, given that President Biden turns 80 in November and has indicated he plans to run again. If Donald Trump announces another run, we might have a late septuagenarian and ...