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Renewables have been this summer’s blockbuster hit

Summer is ending, but the heat is still on to reduce emissions and maintain reliability. Luckily, renewables did the heavy lifting, keeping the lights on and the rates reasonable in the hottest places. U.S. regulators are committed to cutting carbon dioxide levels by 40 percent by 2030, ...

FDA regs crib infant formula

Thanks to outdated and inflexible regulations, America’s infant formula supply remains frustratingly cribbed. In August, the Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters to three infant formula manufacturers alleging inadequate “process controls … designed to ensure that infant ...

U.N. must emphasize smart spending

This year, Americans — through taxes and philanthropy — will spend more than $90 billion in humanitarian aid for the rest of the world. This huge sum helps transform lives in poor countries. But Americans can do better by spending more smartly. Much of the world’s spending on aid and ...

EPA must stop unsafe and costly California maritime mandate

California’s maritime sector is essential to America’s role in the global economy and to the supply chain. Yet, a mandate from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has cast a shadow over the safety and efficiency of this sector, which will have far-reaching effects on the nation. ...

The ineffective paternalism of soda taxes

Attempts to control what consumers choose to consume are frequent, but taxing sugary drinks to push people to make healthier choices has been a more regular one. However, this paternalistic instinct has repeatedly failed to achieve its health goals. Instead, it imposes a regressive tax without ...