Winter is coming and anyone who has been in New Hampshire for any length of time has probably helped someone retrieve their errant car from a snowbank. When in that predicament, some are expert drivers and accelerate just right to get the car moving; others; however, put their foot on the ...
“There is privacy about it which no other season gives you. In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in winter, in the country, can you have longer, quieter stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself.” – Ruth Stout
Friday is ...
There is no doubt that charitable giving during the holidays is a very important component of the philanthropic landscape in our community. In fact, over half of all nonprofits receive at least a quarter of their annual donations at the end of the year, and almost 20 percent receive over half ...
With New Hampshire’s midterm elections behind us, there are major changes in the works in Washington and at the statehouse in Concord. What has not changed is the critical need for our elected officials to come together in 2019 and address the ongoing mental health crisis.
The crisis ...
The Telegraph’s Nov. 23 editorial, “Choosing a nominee,” posited that beating Donald Trump in 2020 will take a lot more than just listing his many shortcomings – it will take a vision, and a plan to make that vision real. I couldn’t agree more.
We can take a cue from the past as we ...
This week, I did something that USA Today’s executive leadership apparently hadn’t done lately: I read the newspaper’s “principles of ethical conduct for newsrooms.”
It’s pretty highfalutin. The media manifesto of virtue, posted online, applies to all employees “working with any ...