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Another Viewpoint

Congress should act now to prevent a rail strike

It’s been said that desperate times call for desperate measures. That’s the situation facing Congress this week after President Biden called on the House and Senate to intervene and prevent an impending nationwide rail strike. The White House’s announcement came as four labor unions ...

HOLY COW! HISTORY: Cal Coolidge’s crazy coon

More than presidents have called 1600 Pennsylvania home. The White House has been a kind of landlocked Noah’s Ark over the years. The Lincolns had nanny goats. William Howard Taft kept a beloved dairy cow on the premises. Teddy Roosevelt housed an incredible 23 species indoors and out, ...

There isn’t such a thing as free privacy protection

Hardly a day goes by without the Federal Trade Commission announcing plans to clamp down on the tech industry. Its latest foray, a proposal for far-reaching rules to counter the bogeyman of “commercial surveillance,” comes like a great dark cloud: essentially hazy but portentous and ...

Will Biden continue to weaponize the Department of Justice?

Before the election, President Biden declared that the Department of Justice would assign federal observers in 64 jurisdictions to look out for violations of the Voting Rights Act and other federal laws. In theory, these individuals were tasked with protecting the integrity of the electoral ...

People shouldn’t be encouraged to keep smoking

There is a lot of focus on smoking in November because each year the American Lung Association spends the month focusing on lung cancer awareness and the American Cancer Society holds its annual Great American Smoke-Out. Strangely, during the push to quit smoking, there is no support for using ...

Understanding the moral panic surrounding Section 230

Why are people calling for Section 230 to be repealed? Former president Donald Trump was an outspoke critic of Section 230. President Biden is also a critic. Both presidents have their reasons. But the one thing that both presidents miss is their total mischaracterization of how information ...