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Vote Tuesday: A right, but a responsibility

By Matthew Burdette - Publisher & Editor | Nov 5, 2022

On Tuesday, voters will have a multitude of important choices to make in the 2022 midterm election.

Inflation, high energy prices, abortion, commuter rail, improved infrastructure, health care, the workforce, education, immigration and climate change are but a few of the issues we Granite Staters have to consider when casting our vote for local, state and national candidates. The choices we make will have a significant impact on our way of life – especially our pocketbooks – and for that of future generations.

To say voting in this election – and any other for that matter – is imperative, is perhaps the understatement of the century, not to be too cliche.

According to the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

“Section 1: The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.”

“Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”

Simple, right?

Well, yes, and no. The issue lies with those who do not partake in the electoral process.

While that certainly is their right, our system of government works best – and more accurately reflects – the everyday American and Granite Stater when voter participation is high.

We are fortunate in New Hampshire in that there is flexibility in the voter registration system. We may register in advance of an election with our city or town clerk, or we may register to vote the day of the election at our polling places. And, there is no minimum period of time you are required to have lived in the state before being allowed to register.

So, there really is no excuse for not casting a ballot.

Yes, voting is a right provided to all Americans by the U.S. Constitution. In reality – or at least my reality – it is a responsibility, though; one to be taken seriously.

Our country’s forefathers and ensuing generations have ensured that this right remains for all, and we not only owe it to them, but to future generations to take part in the process and shape our own futures.

New Hampshire has long kept a keen eye on the electoral process and does, of course, host the first-in-the-nation presidential primary every four years. We take politics seriously, as we do heading out to the polls to cast our ballots.

Most Granite Staters invest a great deal of time becoming educated on the issues important to them and cast their votes according.

At The Telegraph, we too take the process seriously. That’s why we partner with the Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce each election season to provide coverage of debates and forums, as we did during this midterm election season. In fact, we were able to livestream three of the events, which may be viewed at www.youtube.com/user/NashuaTelegraphVideo (the Hassan-Bolduc forum) or at https://www.facebook.com/TheTelegraph (the gubernatorial debate and Hassan-Burns forum).

We do hope local residents either attended in-person, joined in on those livestreams or go back to watch those videos to help them in their decision-making process.

The beauty of our system is that we may disagree on certain issues, but we always do come together in compromise for the greater good – especially in the Granite State.

So, Live Free or Die, and go vote on Tuesday.

Matt Burdette may be contact at 603-594-1240 or mburdette@nashuatelegraph.com.


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