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Executive Council race

By Jean Lewandowski - Nashua | Oct 15, 2022

On Nov. 8, voters have the chance to return New Hampshire’s Executive Council to its role as the people’s watchdog in the Executive Branch. Unfortunately, the District 5 incumbent, David Wheeler, has consistently voted with the three other Republicans. They have failed in their role of overseeing the receipt and expenditures of state and federal funds and checking the power of the governor.

• They rejected over $30 million in federal funds for COVID-19 relief at the height of the first and deadliest pandemic surge. Only an overwhelming public outcry reversed that decision.

• They voted to defund family planning providers, depriving women of essential reproductive care, cancer prevention screening, and individual liberty.

• They approved Gov. Sununu’s pick for the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), even though he knew nothing about energy. The PUC just approved doubling our energy rates and is holding up urgently-needed energy innovation that would help address climate change and free us from the whims of oil producers like Russia and Saudi Arabia.

• They confirmed Frank Edelblut as Education Commissioner, even though he has worked tirelessly to defund public education. Millions of dollars have already disappeared into religious and private schools without any financial accountability or public oversight.

• They approved the appointment of our Chief Justice, even though he had been rejected earlier because of lack of judicial experience.

• They approved a contract with Wellpath Health to staff the children’s psychiatric hospital. Wellpath has never provided in-patient psychiatric care for children. They operate in prisons and detention centers in other states and are currently under legal scrutiny for neglect in multiple facilities.

• Just this month, Mr. Wheeler voted with two other Republican Council members, Ted Gatsas and Joe Kenney, to sit on funding for a voluntary after-school sex education program that’s been proved to significantly reduce teen pregnancy and STDs in NH. Student participation in the program requires parent permission and access to the curriculum, but these men, while claiming to stand for parents’ rights in education, are denying them the right to make sure their children have access to this kind of instruction.

District 2’s Cinde Warmington, the lone Democrat on the Council, has been fighting valiantly for women’s health, public education, children’s rights, competent leadership, and responsible expenditures of tax dollars on our behalf. She needs help, though, and we in Greater Nashua and towns around the region are fortunate to have a wonderful candidate running to represent us in District 5: Shoshanna Kelley. She’s a mom, a small business owner, and has served us as Alderwoman-at-large in Nashua for five years. She will help restore balance and accountability to the Executive Branch and represent the best of New Hampshire. More information about Alderwoman Kelly can be found through Ballotopedia.org and on her website.


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