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Don’t be fooled

By Raymond Guarino - Nashua | Oct 8, 2022

It’s election time again, and this means we all have to endure unending, obnoxious TV commercials from mysterious PACs funded by billionaire dark money full of fast talk and shallow inanities. The latest simplistic commercials call Democrats “tax and spend” politicians. Seriously, is this the 1980s? These silly commercials blame Democrats for creating inflation because of government spending. Here’s a fact, all politicians no matter what their political party spend our tax dollars, and all politicians will tax us. The questions we need to ask are who is getting taxed, and where and for what are they spending our tax dollars?

The fact is that the deficit is shrinking under President Biden. The spending priorities of the Biden Administration are focused on places where it is badly needed, including infrastructure, education, and environmental damage mitigation. It is absurd that Republicans think their lie is believable when they claim that government spending under the Biden administration is the cause of inflation when the entire world is experiencing inflation since we just got over a world-wide pandemic, which caused supply chain disruptions in both production and transportation.

The mysterious billionaires behind the dark money of the attack PACs don’t want Democrats in office because they know their taxes will increase. They would rather have Republicans in charge because Republicans always ask how much things will cost unless it’s Republican spending unending tax dollars on the defense industry as they increase the defense investment profits of their cronies. And of course, the billionaires want the Republican fix for everything that ails us, they will pass a tax cut for the affluent, no matter what the circumstances dictate.

If you are not paying close attention to the Republican lies about inflation enough to motivate you to vote blue, then you ought to pay close attention to the whopper of a lie they are telling you about abortion. Republicans tell us, “Don’t worry, it’s still legal, it won’t go away,” even after Republicans methodically and deliberately packed the Supreme Court and struck down Roe v. Wade. While Republicans are distracting you with lies about inflation, they have every intent on passing a national ban on abortion with no exceptions. Many New Hampshire residents, like myself, received mailings from an anti-abortion organization, fronted by Republican Rand Paul, asking for donations and exclaiming that their goal is to pass a federal “Life at Conception Act”, banning all abortions in all the states with no exceptions.

Republicans can’t wait to get control of Congress to take away the right of bodily autonomy from all women in all states, no exceptions. We have seen how they rigged the Supreme Court, don’t be fooled by Republican deceptions again, this November, vote Democratic up and down the ballot.


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