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American democracy

By James Poplin - Jaffrey | Sep 17, 2022

As a Christian and a retired military officer, I fear for American democracy. Our nation was founded on principals of equality and justice for all citizens. It has taken us over 240 years to move closer to those aspirations in recognizing who is a voting citizen and who gets justice.

We’ve had plenty of missteps along our journey but as Martin Luther King, Jr. stated “… the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Unfortunately, the evil slavery created is still with us. And the prejudice and bigotry it fomented in America has extended this evil to all non-Caucasian races. Regrettably, many fail to see or refuse to consider the truth about America. In fact, it is our differences, when working together, that enable us to achieve greatness. This is the secret to America’s success. Take for example the three black women performing mathematical calculations for the NASA Mercury 7 program enabled America to send John Glenn into space to orbit the earth. This is simply one of countless examples of people of mixed races and cultures working together to accomplish greatness.

It is time America to re-affirm the principals on which our nation was founded and respect each other for our differences and not fear one another. Americans have proven repeatedly that by working together we can accomplish greatness. If we simply accept that God loves all His creation, maybe we can live by the golden rule and make our aspirations real for everyone.


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