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Just lucky

By Jeff Frost - Alexandria | Jun 12, 2021

If you think we’re not going to get the truth about the now believed man-made virus COVID-19 from the Chinese then don’t believe you’re going to get the truth from our own government about the actual death rate of COVID-19 here in the United States. Not if censoring continues within the legacy press and major media outlets.

If you have followed the entire evolution of COVID-19 from beginnings to end, as I have researched, you get an understanding of two things.

One was: Some in the know of Government scientists were fearful COVID-19 was, extremely likely, the product of off-shoring illegal engineering methods that the USA had banned in our country. Today we hear this science was more than possibly knowingly financially supported indirectly by government players, Dr. Fauci as one prime suspect, to further develop biological, DARPA – military type, research.

And 2nd is, when the virus got out, there was a panic reaction as it had one attribute that was apparent, its spread rate, was a high multiple greater than the average “Influenza Like Illness”. No one knew the demographics and the mortality rate in the late fall of 2019 to early winter 2020 when sketchy intelligence was coming in from China about Wuhan’s flu season deaths. They just knew they appeared rapidly because of the spread rate.

This rapid spread rate was later observed and predicted by NIH, CDC, and NIAID in late February 2020 not to be the Spanish or other deadly virus type death rates that are biblical but one of a – “seasonal severe flu” we have had several times in our past.

The overreaction, trillions of dollars of deficits, and personal destructive Marshall law emergency unconstitutional dictated policies sent those government agents that were privy to the incoming data on actual death rates into another panic in late March 2020. They understood and found in late March 2020 their recommended policies, now, may not be justified historically by the data as it came in. So in early April, they changed that data gathering. Except with a little research and spread of the truth, the CDC has to report filed caused of deaths from across the country and which show only 6% of the deaths reported are solely attributed to COVID-19.

The data gathering criteria here, and in Canada, and Mexico was relaxed or “liberal” towards the main, or sole, cause of death toward being COVID-19. They went on to support the fear and panic, suppressed and censored any conflicting or challenging science from medical and scientific experts, and today the major legacy controlled press is not interested in this genetic “gain in function” of viruses purposeful engineering stories. Instead, they are downplaying it to – why care how the virus came to be.

We all should be – because Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical – NBC – warfare science and experiments have always been a ticking time bomb. In this case, it may very well be we were just lucky that the true death rate, even by our government pushing to gerrymander it up here in the USA, was not biblical or anywhere near the Spanish flu.

The public has to have the facts to force changes to NBC safety, control, and, most of all, justification why each possible world-killing warfare weapon is truly needed.


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