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Serve & protect?

By John Watkins - Hudson | Jul 4, 2020

Defunding (disbanding) the police? Better think that through.

If there are no police, who is coming if you call 911? In some jurisdictions, Fire and/or EMS won’t/can’t go without a law enforcement presence.

We are a nation of laws. Without enforcement, laws are just words on paper. So who or how are you going to protect your home, business, kids in school. Remember Columbine, Sandy Hook? Who came? Do you hire private security firms? This whole thing started with bad cops. When there is no longer a police department, where do you think bad cops will go for work? Private security firms. I can see the job application now. It says your an ex-policeman, defunded. Your hired. So now there is totally no oversight. What is the job of a police department, “Serve & Protect?” What is the job of a private security firm? Serve & protect? No! It’s the same job of any business. Make money for the owners.

And your OK with that?


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