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Carbon fee and dividend is the answer

By Megan Pardoe - Nashua | Jan 19, 2020

Worldwide, we have been seeing a climate-fueled crisis from the wildfires in Australia, extreme flooding in Indonesia and tornadoes in the Midwestern states. In order to combat this ongoing crisis, we need to employ the carbon fee and dividend plan.

This is a bipartisan based plan where a fee would be placed on carbon at the source per metric tonne and rise each year. For example, a large company that uses 100 metric tonnes of carbon per month would have to pay a fee on this. If the price was $15 per tonne, then the company would pay $1,500 that month. This would allow for a fall in the use of carbon energy and would lower emissions within the U.S. by 40% in the first 12 years.

Once this fee is collected, the government would then return the money equally among households. Therefore, the government would not keep the collected fee, but return it to the people and allow them to spend it anyway they choose. This would occur every month.

To halt the ongoing climate crisis we need a carbon fee and dividend plan to boost the economy while helping to lower emissions. The group Citizens Climate Lobby has House Bill 763 which introduces this plan. To learn more, visit https://citizensclimatelobby.org.