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Remember who you work for

By Jane Sanders - Newmarket | Sep 29, 2019

Last week, I attended the morning session of our state Legislature for the first time in my more than 20 years of living in New Hampshire. I was joined in the gallery by two other first-time attendees. We wanted to see how things work in Concord, as what happens there affects the lives of everyone across the state. What we witnessed was very disturbing.

While a representative, a Democrat, was speaking in support of one of the bills the din from the Republican side of the House floor was clearly audible in the gallery. The Republican representatives were turned around in their seats chattering with others seated behind them and other disrespectful behavior. My friends and I expected to see more decorum from those elected to represent the residents of New Hampshire and were appalled at the childish and unprofessional attitudes.

I am extremely concerned about our democracy, because what I witnessed was clearly deeply partisan politics and not the will of the people. The three common sense gun laws passed by bipartisan vote, yet vetoed by the governor, are reportedly supported by 90% of the population regardless of political affiliation. I am appealing to your higher angels to show more respect for the position to which you’ve been elected and to take your responsibility and your constituents wishes more seriously. Have you all forgotten who you are supposed to be working for? It’s not the governor.


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