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A Parent’s Perspective in Verse Or, How To Survive the Winter Holidays

By Benjamin D. Garber, Ph.D. - Nashua | Dec 9, 2018

‘Twas the long months of winter,

And all through our home

Raced a thunderous herd

They wouldn’t leave me alone!

I begged and I pleaded

Please: Give me some space!

They claimed cabin fever

And began a new race.

Upstairs and down

Yelling and blaming they came

Fifteen hours each day

Tuesday through Monday

… every day was the same!

“Jack started it!” was the war cry,

“It’s not my fault” Jill said

I felt my fists clenching

So I sent them to bed.

The television was smoking,

The Nintendo was broke,

They’d watched all the movies

And drank all the Coke!

I was raving and steaming,

Bubbling with rage.

What’s a parent to do,

In this day and this age?

On top of all this,

With Christmas time here

I’m prone to break down …

It’s that time of year.

The star on the tree

Brings tears to my eyes:

It’s only three seasons

Since my grandfather Thomas died.

And the Hanukah lights

Eight nights in a row

Put me in mind

Of my long lost Aunt Flo.

As all of these feelings

Began to boil in my head:

The kids and their whining;

Memories of love ones long dead;

I felt like exploding;

Or running away.;

My friends said, “Just do it;”;

My husband begged me to stay.;

So I took a deep breath;

And we went out for a walk;

The snowflakes were twinkling.;

And we finally talked.;

I remembered Jill’s birth,;

And when Jack started to talk;

Or the time we went camping;

And we were so scared in the dark.;

We hugged in the moonlight ;And said good-bye to those past

Their memories live on

But the pain shouldn’t last.

Refueled and refreshed

We went back inside

The house was a mess

But I saw it with new eyes.

The kids were still yelling

So we cuddled up on our bed

I told them a story

And kissed each on their head.

I know it’s all worth it

Every scream, ouch! and shove

All the tantrums and upsets.

I do it for love.

Next time I’ll remember

To ask for a hug and a walk

To refresh and refuel

To count to ten and then talk

I know that I’m worth it,

I’m a good parent, I say!

A model to baby Jack and darling Jill

Their hero, their helper, their champion, every day.


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