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Your vote does make a difference

By Staff | Oct 29, 2014

I am writing this to express my 110 percent support for the letter by Barbara Amos, wherein she eloquently states how important your vote is in this key election on Nov.4.

We are so fortunate to be living in a great country that promotes and enables us, the people, to determine who will govern this city, this state, this country. You have the power. Don’t sit back and think, “Well, my one vote won’t make the difference.” Your one vote, together with everyone else’s “one vote” makes all the difference. Scott Brown won in Massachusetts because so few voted in the off-year election. He was thrown out of office in the presidential-year election. Frank Guinta won in 2010 because so few voted in the midterm election. He was thrown out of office in the presidental year election.

If you want true representative government, you have to stand up and represent yourself at the voting booth.

Thomas Jefferson said “Democracy is the worst form of government, except when compared to all other forms of government.”

Please get out and vote on Nov. 4.

Jack Rothman



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