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A transparency lesson for Nashua

'All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive. To that end, the ...

Looking back at the week in news

Scratching the surface of drone technology's potential They are technically called "unmanned aerial aircraft," - popularly referred to as "drones" - and their potential was on display this week when New Hampshire's largest electrical utility hired a ...

These Olympians have already won

The International Olympic Committee has proven itself to be an easy target for criticism over the years, and why not? It purports to champion the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play, but what the IOC really values is – no surprise here – money. In that vein, ...

Voters deserve better debates

As things stand now, it looks like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are running for president on basically the same platform: vote for me because I'm not my opponent. Polls say no two candidates in history have been looked upon with greater disdain at this point in the process. Or, as Harry ...

Trump exhibits tone-deafness

Donald Trump, a man who may become our next president, put the First Amendment through its paces when he squared off with a Muslim-American couple who appeared on stage at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last week. Muslims have been a favorite Trump target during his ...

Gun debate ought to reflect realities

The aftermath of each high-profile shooting plays out the same. One side says it's the result of a culture engorged and enamored with guns, while the other blames, well, almost anything else - terrorism, mental illness, race, poverty, a weak and divisive president. Predictably, nothing ...