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Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

By Staff | Jan 30, 2021

Editor’s note: During the course of a week, issues are covered that might not lend themselves to full editorial comment, but they are worthy of The Sunday Telegraph weighing in – thumbs up, thumbs down or neutral.

Thumbs Up – To New Hampshire officials for no longer allowing nonresidents to receive the coronavirus vaccine. Earlier rules would have allowed anyone who owned property in New Hampshire, including second homeowners and out-of-state landlords, to get vaccinated in the state, regardless of where they actually live. Officials made a good call when shifting gears on this. Residents right here in the Granite State should take priority over all others.

Thumbs DOWN – Unfortunately, to those responsible on the state and national level for the continued confusion and difficulty over COVID-19 vaccination registration and schedules. Considering the current number of vaccine sites and the pace of vaccinations, it could take years – literally – to completely vaccinate the population of the Granite State. If course, more vaccines sites could open, and hours could be extended; however, the ramp-up must start quickly. We must be able to emerge from this pandemic soon.

THUMBS UP – To local Department of Public Works employees on their handling of this week’s snowstorm. Roads became slick quickly, with multiple accidents reported, but streets were cleared and salted in an efficient manner. Kudos to those who are out on the highways endangering their lives so we all can be safe.


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