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Why do you serve?

By Staff | Jun 7, 2019

Five of the nine Nashua Board of Education members feature terms that are scheduled to expire Dec. 31. They are:

• Howard Coffman

• Doris Hohensee

• William Mosher

• Susan Porter

• Elizabeth Van Twuyver

As of this writing, we are uncertain of the re-election plans for these individuals. However, we do ask them to answer our simple question: “Why do you serve?”

If any of them answer something other than to ensure the best possible education for the students attending public schools in Nashua, we ask them to consider a new hobby. Perhaps, they should spend more of their free time playing checkers, reading novels, gardening, or sampling wine and cheese – and less time acting like spoiled children before members of the public.

On multiple occasions, we have used this space to plead with Nashua BOE members to remember to set a good example for administrators, teachers, paraeducators, office staff, cafeteria workers, and, most importantly, students.

Unfortunately, the state of chaos seems to only escalate with this board. Last week, at the end of a four-hour marathon meeting, six board members voted to censure Hohensee for her recent social media conduct that involved one of the district’s students. As defined by Merriam-Webster, censure is “1) a judgment involving condemnation; 2) the act of blaming or condemning sternly; 3) an official reprimand.”

For her part, Hohensee claims the censure vote, as well as the earlier request by board President Heather Raymond that Hohensee resign, is due to politics.

“This is a political vendetta. My opposition wants me off this board because I cause them trouble by pointing out their misdeeds,” Hohensee said during the meeting last week. “Silencing me is their goal and they will use any means to do so.”

Hohensee has been accused by some in the community of being racist and/or anti-Semitic. We are not going to accuse someone of being a racist when they claim they are not, but we will certainly question Hohensee’s judgment with her Facebook activity involving students. It seems her actions were immature and misguided for any adult, much less an adult tasked with protecting and helping students.

This, however, is only the latest example of nonsense on the part of some Nashua board members. Therefore, before they file for re-election, we ask them to consider why they serve.

The taxpayers of Nashua, the employees of the school district, and most certainly the students, deserve board members who know why they serve.


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