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Tree Streets idea will have impact

By Staff | Jan 11, 2019

On Wednesday, many city residents gathered at Nashua PAL to brainstorm ideas on how to use $25,000 for a project or projects in the Tree Street neighborhood.

Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess came up with the idea to engage residents living in that area. The effort is based on a concept known as participatory budgeting, in which community members directly influence how to spend a portion of the budget to make improvements.

“We have $25,000 of city money which we want to spend to do something good in this neighborhood, but we don’t know the best way to do that,” Donchess said during Wednesday night’s event. “So, what we’re hoping to do is have you, working with NeighborWorks and with PAL, to come up with a group of ideas that would possibly spend $25,000.”

Residents did just that, suggesting everything from improving neighborhood parks and adding a community garden to installing bike racks and improving the rail trail.

People can submit their ideas online at https://www.nashuanh.gov/1244/Tree-Streets-Neighborhood-Project, by clicking on the submit idea tab.

“This is not the end, this is the beginning of this process,” said Nashua PAL Executive Director Shaun Nelson. “So, again, before school vacation in February, we’re going to be voting, so be on the lookout for the where and when on that.”

Those in that neighborhood should indeed keep a lookout and keep brainstorming ideas. While $25,000 may not seem like a lot of money in today’s economy, it certainly can go a long way in making improvements that will benefit the entire city.