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Another Viewpoint

Sugar-free gum, the miracle cure

The highlight of this summer’s debt deal was the clawback of $27 billion in unused pandemic-era funding. Congress and the president determined that the money shouldn’t sit idle in 87 separate accounts. Unfortunately, in a rush to hold hearings, pass the annual military spending bill, and ...

How to tackle back-to-school avoidance

The coming school year often brings excitement, anticipation and nervousness for children. As a child psychiatrist, I have witnessed firsthand the effect back-to-school anxiety can have on kids and their families, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic when we were all at home for varying ...

Pro-life activist now running for Congress in Pa.

When more than a dozen federal agents swarmed the home of Pennsylvania pro-life activist Mark Houck to arrest the unarmed father of seven, it made national headlines. When a jury in Philadelphia acquitted Houck of all federal charges regarding an encounter with a pro-choice protester, it made ...

With a mix of traditional politics and personality, Trump energizes GOP

With a fresh stack of polls showing him well ahead in the Republican presidential primary, former president Donald Trump largely ignored his GOP opponents and focused his political fire on President Biden during a recent campaign stop in New Hampshire. It was the latest sign the Trump ...

Country-of-origin labeling should be mandatory for internet sales

U.S. consumers assume that the United States always leads the world in safety issues. For example, they expect federal regulations will ensure the trustworthiness of the food and medicines they buy. However, when it comes to the products they purchase online, things are less clear. Millions ...

The challenge of first impressions

I doubt I’m the only one who grew up hearing, “Make sure you make a good first impression.” At the time, I probably wondered whether that was my parents just being persnickety. It turns out they were right. This realization occurred when I reconsidered my take on a person I had ...