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Drug court celebrates 10-year anniversary and upcoming graduation

By Staff | May 25, 2023

The Hillsborough County South Drug Court program is celebrating its 10-Year Anniversary this year. The Drug Court program, where clients are able to choose treatment instead of incarceration, has literally transformed lives for the past decade. Make no mistake: this program is not a “get out of jail free” card. In fact, it is very challenging, requiring intense Substance Use Disorder treatment services with GNMH therapists and case managers, random drug testing, weekly visits with the Judge at the Courthouse, and accountability to others including parole officers and other law enforcement professionals. Those who do succeed in graduating usually require 18-24 months to successfully complete the program. Graduates go on to reunite with estranged family members, obtain GEDs or go to college, attain new careers, and fill roles as productive community members. In addition, the graduates and participants of Drug Court form strong bonds and their own solid network of support, available to help each other during the challenging times that inevitably occur.

In the spirit of giving back, members of the Drug Court community participated in a Drug Court Cares Day last week. A large group of past and present Drug Court participants gathered at Revive Recovery and headed over to the Nashua Bike Trail to clean up trash and winter debris from the path, followed by a barbeque back at Revive.

All are interested to attend the upcoming graduation celebration on June 1, beginning at 1 p.m. at the Hillsborough County Superior Court South on Spring Street in Nashua.