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Fairgrounds Middle School Sock Drive for Catie’s Closet

By Staff | Jan 8, 2022

Winter with bone-chilling temperatures arrived this week and warm socks are in demand. Just in time, the Fairgrounds Middle School Student Council sponsored an extremely successful Sock Drive during the month of December. Setting a goal of 500 pairs, students and staff responded and donated close to 600 pairs. Members of the Student Council made donation boxes and placed them in visible spots in the school. The council donated the socks to Catie’s Closet of Dracut, Massachusetts, to aid students in need. Catie’s Closet is non-profit organization that provides clothes, toiletries, and other basic essentials to students living in poverty. Ten of Nashua School District schools have adopted a Catie’s Closet in their schools, including Fairgrounds Middle School. Principal Sharon Coffey is proud of the Student Council for sponsoring such a successful activity and appreciates the generous efforts of the staff and students to support a proven worthy cause. To learn more about Catie’s Closet, visit its website at catiescloset.org.


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