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Merrimack woman to plead guilty to assault in Milford stabbing, her attorney says

By Staff | May 30, 2012

NASHUA – A Merrimack woman charged with stabbing a woman in Milford will serve at least two years in prison under a plea deal worked out with prosecutors, according to the defendant’s attorney.

Stephanie Kenyon, 24, of 20 Wintergreen Drive, Merrimack, is scheduled to appear in Hillsborough County Superior Court on June 7 for a plea and sentencing hearing, said her attorney, Justin Shepherd. The deal would allow Kenyon to avoid going to trial on a charge of attempted murder.

If the judge accepts the deal, Kenyon will plead guilty to second-degree assault and receive a prison sentence of two to five years. She has been jailed for 14 months since the stabbing, and that time will be applied to her sentence, meaning she would have only 10 months left to serve on her minimum sentence.

Kenyon also would plead guilty to an additional count of second-degree assault and receive a sentence of 2 1? 2 to five years, all suspended for five years with the clock starting after her release from prison on the first count.

Kenyon would not be prosecuted on the attempted murder and other charges.

Details about the stabbing will be released during the hearing when Kenyon is sentenced.

Sandra Gross, 40, a driver for the Nashua Transit System, was attacked April 13, 2011, outside her home on South Street in Milford. She was stabbed with a knife repeatedly in the chest, stomach and leg.

Gross was initially rushed to Southern New Hampshire Medical Center in Nashua. When a wound to her pancreas caused complications, she was transferred to Massachusetts General Hospital, which has one of the largest trauma centers in Boston.

The attack occurred outside Gross’ residence, a large, rambling old house converted into several apartments. The house is a little more than a block south of the Milford Oval and backs up to Railroad Pond.

Kenyon was arrested at the scene.

Patrick Meighan can be reached at 594-6518 or pmeighan@nashuatelegraph.com.