Hassan issues statement on the Inauguration of President Trump

U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan
WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) released the following statement on the inauguration of Donald Trump for a second term as President:
“Today, Americans from around the country – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents – gathered to witness the peaceful transition of power, a hallmark of our democracy. Donald Trump is now our President, and I hope that he upholds the oath that he took today to defend and protect our Constitution. Like many Granite Staters, and like many Americans, I strongly disagree with President Trump on a number of issues. But as I have throughout my time in public service, I will work across party lines to make bipartisan progress on issues where the President and I can find common ground. And should the President or members of his administration put our New Hampshire values at risk, I will speak out and stand up for what is best for our state and our country. The Live Free or Die State deserves nothing less.”