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Laundry bag used a tool for soups

Dear Heloise: I used a small, new zippered laundry bag to make soup. For chicken soup, I put the bones, skin and fat in the bag, then put the whole thing in the soup pot. All the flavor is added to the soup without the mess. Just empty the bag and discard it. I also did this with ham bones and ...

Kill horrible garbage smells

Dear Heloise: My trash can smells awful! For a few years now, it's sat in the hot Texas sun, and the smell of garbage just seems to be soaked up by the heat. How can I get rid of trash can odors? -- Kelly A., Lubbock, Texas Kelly, take one or two slices of bread and soak them in vinegar. ...

Today in History: April 2, Pope John Paul II dies at 84

Today is Tuesday, April 2, the 93rd day of 2024. There are 273 days left in the year. Today's Highlight in History: On April 2, 2005, John Paul II, the Polish pope born Karol Józef Wojtyła, who became one of the most influential leaders of the 20th and early 21st centuries while working ...

Horoscopes by Holiday for April 2

On the first full day of the Mercury retrograde, the Capricorn moon does a security check on our systems, looking for weak spots and praising sturdiness wherever it is found. Jupiter, Charon, Uranus and Mercury all get a once-over, and the cosmically aligned will echo the sentiment with best ...

Worried about how lonely my life will be

Dear Annie: I am very confused. I have a friend who is 70 and is in the hospital. She has put a mutual friend, "Dorothy," down as her daughter. She has a son, but he is a man-child. Our friend Dorothy has so many obligations as it is. Dorothy and I are close, and we are similar ages. I do not ...

Diagnosis of spinal stenosis usually leads to therapy and meds

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 86-year-old male in relatively good health. I developed pain in my lower back, buttocks and upper legs that started a couple of months ago. It is particularly painful in the morning when I arise and subsides some as I work through the pain and get going through my ...