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Health, Lifestyles & History

The only way to reverse Type 2 diabetes is to get control of it

DEAR DR. ROACH: Any suggestions on how to reverse Type 2 diabetes? -- C.B. ANSWER: Strictly speaking, once you have diabetes, you always have diabetes, as the diagnosis is considered "stable," or lifelong. However, many people can get diabetes under control without medications so that the ...

Test your home security systems

Dear Heloise: I've been reading your column for many years. I learned something the other day that I believe will be interesting to Heloise readers. Like many others, I have a home security system that, when armed, calls a central office if a door is opened or a window is broken. You are ...

Today in History: MARCH 1, Watergate figures indicted

Today is Wednesday, March 1, the 60th day of 2023. There are 305 days left in the year. Today's Highlight in History: On March 1, 1974, seven people, including former Nixon White House aides H.R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman, former Attorney General John Mitchell and former assistant ...

Horoscopes by Holiday for March 1

Venus and Jupiter align in Aries, the sign of the warrior. If love is a battlefield, the heart is a soldier, a fierce protector, facing the fight with courage and determination. In this scene, Jupiter is a master of computer-generated images, duplicating the troops and making it seem like a ...

New perspectives on groundbreaking weight loss drugs

Dear Readers: In a recent column, I was critical of the sudden popularity of using diabetes drugs to lose weight. I was responding to news reports that a growing number of people are using them for casual weight loss to drop a few pounds. But too many readers felt that I was not current on the ...

Figuring out the cause behind constantly feeling cold

DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife, 68, always feels cold. She has mentioned this several times to her primary care physician, and the physician checks her blood to see if an increase in thyroid medication is warranted. The reading always comes back in the normal range, and the problem is not mentioned ...