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Horoscopes by Holiday for April 6

Two lunar conjunctions follow up the Venus change bringing consecutive breakthroughs, first theoretical then physical. Our perception of situations changes while the facts of the circumstance are still the same. But seeing things differently makes them different, and the changes soon manifest ...

Rekindling romance

Dear Annie: I've recently reconnected with a former co-worker with whom I had lost track of after her first husband committed suicide. She divorced her second husband when she found him in bed with another woman. She has an adult son from her second marriage. After reconnecting, we've been ...

Reader writes in about email scam

Dear Heloise: What you described in a recent column about an email scam happened to me three weeks ago. I made the mistake of believing what you described. The scammers did get access to my computer, and they scanned it. Aside from making my mortgage payment each month by phone call, I always ...

Horoscopes by Holiday for April 5

You don't need everyone to be happy with your plan; you only need one person to be happy with it, the one who made it. Even that person should be given grace in doubt and the freedom to make adjustments along the way without the hassle of judgment. In short, give yourself everything you need, ...

Overshadowed by friend’s outgoingness

Dear Annie: I have a close friend who I love very much, but whenever we're together, whether in social settings or professional environments, it feels like I'm always playing second fiddle to their charisma and charm. I value our friendship and genuinely enjoy her company, but I just can't ...