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Horoscopes by Holiday for June 16

By Holiday Mathis - Horoscopes by Holiday | Jun 16, 2021

Holiday Mathis

Would you admit that sometimes the Mercury retrograde is a very convenient excuse for why things don’t go according to plan? And next week, we’ll also have the excuse of a Jupiter retrograde putting the squeeze on funds, so “the check is in the mail” will be echoed world-round, along with the digital version, “my server is down.”

ARIES (March 21-April 19). While it’s possible that a self-sacrificing act will help a relationship, it benefits you to consider the opposite tactic as well. You’ll be surprised at the improvements that come from answering the question, “What’s in it for me?”

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Ultimately, the mother of frustration is desire. Team an expectation with a time frame and suddenly the climate is perfect for desire. There are at least two immediate solutions. Let go of the desire or lengthen the time frame.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The duality of the twins will fascinate others. You’ll be many things at once. Exhilarated yet patient; hopeful yet reasonable. You’ll have trepidation and still move forward in boldness, ready for what comes.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Thinking a thing through can happen in a flash. Carrying it out takes much longer than you anticipate, though, especially in light of the complexity of your current endeavor.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You have the grit that will propel you forward, regardless of obstacles. And while you would prefer to reach your destination as soon as possible, the important thing is not how long it takes but that you do it.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The golden rule will extend like a blanket of karma over your whole scene. Everything counts. Stay on the safe side. Spare feelings. Spare spiders! Practice the compassion of catch and release.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The group participation route isn’t always your favorite, but your current endeavor really does require a team effort. When one person is tired and ready to give up, another will be ready to help.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You are, in fact, in the process of change. You happen to be so deep in it that it would be impossible to see what’s happening, and you don’t need to. That’s a job for future you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You are well aware of how everyone likes a good storyteller and that bad ones are tolerated to varying degrees. You’ll make sure you’re interesting to talk to, which is partly about brevity and partly just reading the room.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your heart defies logic like that’s it’s job. For instance, the bigger your heart gets, the less worried you are about breaking it. Love seems to provide its own kind of protection.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your ego likes to think it’s the source of your strength and therefore it beats its chest in a display of dominance when its position is challenged. The truth is real strength has nothing to do with posturing.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Don’t assume that being happy is better than being other emotional tones. The best feeling is the one that’s coming up, no matter what it is. Fully feeling is fully processing, and eventually, this leads to peace.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June 16). It’s action time. You’ve already processed your situation, and now you’ll move without thinking, although thousands of decisions get made below your consciousness that will ultimately land you in a sweeter place than you ever thought possible. In love, you’ll shake a historic influence to embrace an improved way of operating in relationships. Scorpio and Leo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 9, 28, 40 and 11.

COSMIC QUESTION: “An astrologer told me that when I was born, Venus was retrograde. That explains why my love life is so backward! I seem to have the worst timing with relationships, always wanting someone when they have no interest in me or are dating someone else. Then, what usually happens is things will turn around, and by the time they do, I’m the one who is no longer interested. Will my love karma ever change? I’m an Aquarius.”

Consider that this issue of timing might have an upside of keeping you gloriously unattached in times when you didn’t feel inclined to, ready for or comfortable with the risk involved in long-term relationships. The idea of love can be enormously appealing, while the actuality of getting into a relationship is by comparison messy, uncomfortable, sometimes painful and usually disruptive to a solo agenda. To change your love karma, you must agree to face your fear and give up staying in control of your feelings in favor of going along for the journey of love. A Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces would be a perfect partner in this romantic experiment!

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Apache hero Geronimo was among the greatest Native American military warriors and leaders. His adaptable Gemini sun is aptly positioned by a Sagittarius moon, the symbol for which is the bow and arrow. The words he uttered on his deathbed were representative of Mars in Cancer, the sign of home: “I should never have surrendered. I should have fought until I was the last man alive.”

Write Holiday Mathis at HolidayMathis.com.


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