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Horoscopes by Holiday for Oct. 18

By Holiday Mathis - Horoscopes by Holiday | Oct 17, 2020

Holiday Mathis

Mother Teresa of Calcutta said it’s easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness of someone unloved in our own home. The needs of those closest to you are complicated. As the Libra sun (partnership) antagonizes Saturn (lessons), pay special attention to the feelings of those most familiar to you.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). As for the smart, generous, insightful people at the core of your inner circle, some you know, some you haven’t met yet. Dedicate more time to following your interests and you’ll find them.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). So it goes, in art and in life, that some boundaries are drawn in ink and others are drawn in emptiness. Without space, there is no form. Without silence, there is no sound. No answer is an answer.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It has taken a while, but you’re starting to see that what you choose to do, and the way you do it, is not easily duplicated and actually sort of amazing. Self-props are called for.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). People who bore and annoy you needn’t be avoided today and should be studied instead. What are they doing that repels you so? Do you perhaps, to some small degree, share any of their unfortunate peculiarities?

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The habit to lose now isn’t a terribly big one; it’s a small, weird, repetitive action that just isn’t adding anything to your life. Nix that one to make room for the zephyrs of good fortune to blow through.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You feel a great deal of enthusiasm for a subject and yet will be reticent to show it if you see there’s a chance of overwhelming others or making yourself stand out too much. Temperance is social grace.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The natural remedy will call to you. This isn’t about an essential oil or flower essence; it’s about responding to a problem-solving sense that heralds from a deep and primal place inside you.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Much will depend on focusing on the right conversational topic or theme interactions or projects. You might not find it right away. Be like a prospector, digging here and there until you strike gold.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Shoes in the house or no? Like so many of life’s choices, neither is more correct, though one may be more preferred. For the sake of social ease, follow the customs of ones you are with.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). As the truly beautiful dancers know, it’s not about looking good; it’s about feeling good. Movement is personal expression, and you’ll be playful in this regard, enjoying what it is to be a physical creature.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You don’t take things on because you know how to do them. You take things on because you don’t know how to do them, and the way to find out is to take things on.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Why the exuberance? It seems to come for no reason, but indeed, part of you understands that these small acts are the seeds of greatness. Share your joy.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. 18). While it doesn’t appeal to you celebrate your birthday in pomp and splendor, this solar return does bring unexpected attention and luxuries your way. Don’t turn them down! Your excellent stewardship of these cosmic gifts leads to sweet and loving ties, satisfying intellectual challenge, and meaningful work. Taurus and Capricorn adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 22, 4, 48, 17 and 39.

FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: A square of Mars (action) and Jupiter (abundance) recalls an observation called the “Four Burners Theory,” which likens a person to a stove with four burners, each representing an aspect of life: health, family, work and friends. According to the theory, to be exceptionally successful in any one area, you must turn off one of the other burners. And if you want to be world-class, you’ll have to turn off two. The concept, while extreme, does illustrate the role of sacrifice in any remarkable endeavor. It’s not that balance isn’t achievable; it is! It’s just that balance and exceptional success are not achievable at once. For balance, everything has to be turned down to a medium temperature. For the higher realms of excellence, focus and sacrifice are the price of admission.

Are you afraid that if you serve the needs of others too well, that they will use you up? It’s not an unwarranted fear. There are people who have no sensor to tell them when they’ve crossed a line, are being greedy and are taking to the detriment of all. If given the chance, they will just keep going until they take all. Many personal boundaries are unknown to us until they get crossed. After the sun crosses the boundary of Libra into Scorpio’s deep truth, there will be new clarity as to where those lines lie.


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